Would love a slick way to replicate Jordan's "Culls" document

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Lorin Elijah Broadbent

One of my favorite pieces of writing advice is to save things you think you should edit-out but are afraid to lose if you change your mind in a culls document. Could you add a feature to facilitate this that works better than creating a separate project?


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Julian Peterson

Essay released a new feature called "Save for Later" allowing you to cull parts of your work and keep it organized in Notes.


Julian Peterson

Status changed to: Live


Julian Peterson

Status changed to: In progress


Drew Hawthorn

Design thoughts about the idea (because I love it)--the app could have a "cull" option for highlighted text. When run the function:
1) removes highlighted text from current version (or iterates the document-version forward without carrying over the text)
2) appends an entry into the "Culls" view linking the to the originating version of the source document with the culled clip centered / highlighted...?
3) Perhaps the Culls view presents a left, scrollable, selection-pane showing a small amount of the text and a larger right-side reading pane showing the selected cull centered and optionally highlighted within its source document for context.

Something as such would allow users to remove-save-and-access liked but not applicable / appropriate passages with only a few clicks. Make it searchable, certainly, by its raw text. But for a power-move make it searchable by topic implementing some text-comprehension so that users can easily search through or explore their past writings for something applicable.


Cheryl Richardson

I noticed a "Version" icon to the right of the Workspace. Does this icon allow us to create different versions of the same documents that we can toggle between. I am not sure how to use the "Version" option, and I didn't see it mentioned in the tutorial.