Visual/Audio tutorial

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I would like Audio commentary. The demonstrator never needs to be seen. We can just see words being typed as she/he talks, for example, "The title of this essay is..," and we see the title appear in the title box. The eye sees movement quickly. I especially need help in the rewrite and reorder sections. It would be very comforting to see someone modeling the steps and thinking out loud, moving around the sentences and paragraphs, then comparing, and then finalizing. as they think out loud, compare, and then explain how he/she makes the final decision, then watch how to store and/or export. It would feel so warm and friendly.


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Julian Peterson

Status changed to: Live


Cody Adams

Also, I'm not so sure that two persuasive messages on writing an essay is needed within the app. To me, this feels like it belongs external to the app in the top/mid of the marketing/sales funnel process. By the time we search, download, and login, the user is far more concerned with navigating the experiential learning process. I think it derails the active learning process to ask the user/learner to wade through that first massive pitch essay on the demo landing page, then also a second persuasive pitch in the first tutorial section. My suggestion is to keep a persuasive pitch on essays in the sales funnel and make video tutorials (or even better a demo "walkme" tour) as the first experience to the app. Best :)

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Cody Adams

Indeed! Totally agree!


Julian Peterson

Status changed to: In progress


Julian Peterson

Status changed to: Planned