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Julian Peterson

A note-taking feature built into the Essay workspace. For general notes, or notes tied to a sentence or block of text.


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Julian Peterson

Status changed to: Live



Quick notes workflow, on the right side bar, organizable and/or searchbale with hashtags.


Julian Peterson

Status changed to: In progress


Craig Holden

I have a small monitor, (in addition to occasionally using my phone) and often have a quick insight or Idea in/from a text on my phone or while at work and quickly want to store it for later processing/ analysis, and cannot due to the "no editing on a small screen(anything less than a full screen window on my computer)

The note I wanted to add today is a rather long text message.


Julian Peterson


Dennis Barr

If there is a note-taking guide, or a way to integrate notes that are taken would be extremely helpful. My notes get jumbled and confused which starts me off with anxiety right away. I didnt know if there was a way to integrate something similar to evernote with it.


Julian Peterson


Shane Sanders

For novelists, it would be very helpful to allow for comments and research notes within the normal paragraph structures (between paragraphs and also inside them), and then, be able to easily hide/unhide them. Ideally, it would be like this:
[Content goes here]
And perhaps a toggle button somewhere that is visible at all times.


Julian Peterson


Joey D'Andrea

To make notes on the text in the margins would be useful


Julian Peterson


Avi David

Similar to many other services like Google, word, etc., it would be nice to have the ability (say , highlight the word(s) ctrl+n) to insert a note on that particular place.

This note should pop up in a side bar- not part of the essay per se, but still read/write-able within the app


Julian Peterson


Dietrich Scherbanev

I often have intruding thoughts I don't want to forget, so I'm forced to still use other software to note down ideas to keep the document clean. That disrupts the process and causes a bit of an annoyance. Something similar to Google Docs feature with the small comment or suggestion boxes on the right of the piece would be helpful.


Jake Forgay

Hello! It would be really cool if there was a note taking platform for each outline topic; a place to put notes from readings/ideas that are directly related to one idea. Thought this would be useful!


Julian Peterson


Julian Peterson


Tom Kasteel

Somewhere to brainstorm ideas in bullet points that doesn't show up in the Produce step.


Paul Spooner

Tagged notes, collapsible document-wide. A Sci-fi story I am writing could benefit greatly from this kind of functionality, as it features multiple authors injecting their comments into the text of the narrative.