Complex Outline Structure (sub-outlines)

Julian Peterson

Add additional levels of outline to the outline tool.

Right now an outline is only one level deep (Outline topic).
Add ability to collapse headings of various levels and drag heading sections etc.


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Julian Peterson

Status changed to: Planned


Jim Park

I'm trying to organize outline topics by Heading or by Title, and it appears that Titles and Heading become subsumed by the preceding outline topic. In other words, if I create a title or heading, then move the preceding outline topic, then the title moves with it!

The expected behavior is that the title remains at least at the same level of heirarchy as the outline topic, if not superceding the outline topics under it!
10:32 am


Julian Peterson


Julian Peterson


Thomas Duquemin

The current outline format is non-hierarchical. I'd like to be able to plan my essay from a big picture view, then smaller, and then smaller.
For example, the outline on the landing page about capitalism has bullets and sub-bullets. How can we achieve that kind of capability?


Jonathan Staves

Upvoting for sub-outlines. You may want to instead include the ability to "link" outline topics.

So if I have an outline like "Forms of suffering". I could technically create individual outlines for each form of suffering but they wouldn't be linked together.

To some degree that is a good thing. The purpose in the re-order phase is that I might find one of those sub-topics actually works better someplace else. However, it would be nice to be able to link outline topics together if you were wanting to move multiple topics around together during the re-order phase.


Patrick Graf

It is confusing to have outlines and titles at the same time. Also, it would be really helpful if you can have nested outlines. That was already requested, so my additional idea would be, to make outline and titles synonymous. Meaning, an outline in the left side panel would just look like a title in the right editor. Vice versa, a Title 2 in the editor would produce a nested outline in the outline-panel, etc.

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Julian Peterson


Jin Wan

Hi team, is it possible to have nested outlines? The idea is that within each outline, we can add sub-outlines of content. Maybe down to 3 levels deep? It's a good way to structure larger essays or works.


Julian Peterson


Jin Wan

Oops didn't see this when I first added the feature request. Totally agree - this nested outlines idea will be truly invaluable for longer essays or works!


David Vasilache

It would be good to have the option of creating subtopics on the outline.
As an interface, it would be easier to just drag the topic to the right in order to make it a subtopic.

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Julian Peterson


Kinsey Lee Popham

I write more technical documents than anything else, and the nested outline structure is the only thing stopping me from switching over to this app. I still like it for the revision phase though.

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Julian Peterson

Introduce a way to have nested outline topics in the Outline tool.

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Julian Peterson


Thomas St Thomas

I'd like to be able to create some subtitles in the Outline.

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Julian Peterson



Outlines seem to not allow for a natural nested structure. Some papers/ other writings require the use of sections, sub-sections, sub-subsections and then paragraphs.
If somebody wants to use the nested structure, I imagine the outline overview to the left of the editor could then be made collapsible per layer. Similar to the indent-based content-tree one has at the start of books/ a thesis etc. Right now, I either have the option to
- create outline topics for each layer
- a subset of all headers
- create multiple essay documents, where each is 1 to a few pages long, containing the next (few) hierarchical layers.
The last option is reasonable for really long pieces, e.g., a thesis, where each chapter includes a great amount of content. However, I do not really enjoy the idea of creating a new document for each section.

I tested using the build-in headers, but found that the outline overview does not treat them any different than "just another paragraph".

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Julian Peterson


Rahul Matthan

In the outline mode the ability to created nested bullets so that we can organise our outline into topics and sub-topics

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Julian Peterson


Drew Hawthorn

Came here to suggest this! =D

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Cameron Wright

I would like this because after the first draft of something I've written is done I go back and look for problems. Those problems need to be outlined, but it's a bit of a nuanced activity because it has to be fitted into what's already there.

Like this:
What's missing?
What needs to be removed?
What needs to be beefed up to accommodate the new stuff?
What are the elements in the piece that are engaged by the new second draft material?